Monday, April 17, 2017

Homeopathy and symptoms of cold 

(Always chilly worse in cold)


The surface of the body is pale, cold, clammy, and sweating.

When in bed, unable to sit up, the patient tosses and turns from side to side; if he is able, he climbs out of bed and sits in the chair, keeps moving from one place to another, and, when thoroughly exhausted, he gets back into bed again.
 The secretions and excretions of Arsenic are ACRID; they excoriate the parts, causing burning.
The cold begins in the nose and goes down into the throat, very often causing hoarseness with dry, tickling, hard, rasping cough.
At times when a patient is coming down with the early stage of a violent attack he will have the entire rigor and chill a feeling as if the blood flowing through the vessels were ice water. He feels a rushing through the body of ice cold waves. When the fever comes on and he is intensely hot from head to foot, before the sweat has appeared, he feels that boiling water is going through the blood vessels.
The catarrhal state involves throat and nose, and it is sometimes difficult to separate the nose symptoms from the throat symptoms. The Arsenicum patient is always taking cold in the nose, always sneezing from every change in the weather. He is always chilly and suffers from drafts, and is worse in cold, damp weather; always freezing, chilled through. The cold begins in the nose and goes down into the throat, very often causing hoarseness with dry, tickling, hard, rasping cough.


(Nose better in open air but overall health is worse in open air)

It is a deep-acting medicine and closely related to 
MERCURIUS. It has ulcerations and catarrhal states and glandular affections like MERCURIUS. It is similar in its action to MERCURIUS and is an antidote to it.

Those that are always too warm, that want the covers off, and want to be in constant motion, extreme restlessness, very tired when keeping still, will have their MERCURY antidoted by Kali iod.

If he remains in a warm room he becomes weak and tired, and feels as if he could not stir, does not want to move, and does not know what is the matter with him. He is worse in the warmth of the house, but as soon as he goes into the open air he feels better, and as soon as he begins to walk he feels still better and can walk long distances without fatigue; goes into the house again and becomes weak and tired and exhausted. A nervous and mental exhaustion comes on from resting.

Thick, yellowish-green, copious discharge from the nose. Every change of the weather brings on catarrhal states. He is constantly taking cold, sneezing continuously. Copious, watery discharge from the nose, excoriating the passage, and causing burning in the nose. This nose is better in the open air, but all the rest of the patient is worse in the open air. Consequently, when a patient has two such conditions that operate against each other he suffers much, because he cannot find quarters for relief. "Repeated attacks of violent, acrid nose from the least cold." With the nose the frontal sinuses become involved, and there is great pain through the forehead; pain in the eyes, pains through the cheek-bones.


Chilly, can endure much heat in the room.

The Hepar patient is 
CHILLY, wants an unusual amount of clothing when in cold air. He wants the sleeping room very warm and can endure much heat in the room, many degrees warmer than a healthy person ordinarily desires.

The Hepar patient is subject to coryza. In some instances the colds settle in the nose and then there will be much discharge, with sneezing every time he goes into a cold wind. The cold winds bring on sneezing and running from the nose, first of a watery character and finally ending in a thick, yellow, offensive discharge.

Throat extremely sensitive to touch; PAIN AS IF FULL OF SPLINTERS; pain on swallowing. The larynx also is painful on talking; painful as a bolus of food goes down behind the larynx, and painful to touch with the hand.

Putting the hand out of bed accidentally when sleeping will bring on cough, and cause sneezing.

He coughs and sweats. There is much sweating the whole night, without relief. Sweating all night without relief belongs to a great many complaints of Hepar. He sweats easily, so that with the cough and on the slightest exertion he is fairly drenched with perspiration.

Worse at night in the bed

The complaints of Mercury when sufficiently acute to send him to bed are WORSE FROM THE WARMTH OF THE BED, so that he is forced to uncover; but after he uncovers and cools off he gets worse again, so that he has difficulty in keeping comfortable. This applies to the pains, the fever, ulcers and eruptions and the patient himself.

The perspiration is offensive; it has a strong, sweetish, penetrating odor. Offensiveness runs all through; offensive urine, stool and sweat; the odors from the nose and mouth are offensive. 
He is worse at night. Periosteal pains, boring pains, worse at night and from warmth of the bed.

 CATARRHAL INFLAMMATION of mucous membrane are features running through the remedy, and these are attended with SWEAT, and an astonishing feature is that the SWEAT DOES NOT RELIEVE.

SORE THROAT. It is a remedy for inflammation of the throat.

The NOSE  Coryza acrid, watery, with pressure through the bones of the face, worse from heat or cold, worse at night; sensitive to every draught. It has coryza with much sneezing with an opposite state, worse during the night while lying in bed, better only in the daytime while up and about. The inhalation of hot air feels good to the nose, but the heat aggravates the body. Incessant sneezing.

Worse in cold; enlarged glands.

Dwarfishness in body and mind; mental dwarfishness, and dwarfishness of organs. Children are late coming into usefulness.

The next grand feature of this remedy is its affinity for the lymphatic glands all over the body. 
The patient himself is chilly: sensitive to cold; wants to be well wrapped. Marked weakness with feeble pulse is a strong feature and he must lie down; he is worse standing and sitting. The weakness is worse after eating. His pains are better from motion and in the open air. His complaints are aggravated by cold. The enlarged glands take on tenderness and congestion from being exposed. The tonsils gradually increase.  
Baryta carb. has cured fatty tumors, encysted tumors.
The sore throat in this remedy has numerous symptoms. "Inflammation of cellular tissues of fauces and tonsils." This remedy is one in general catarrhal symptoms of the throat. Every cold change inflames the tonsils, and in children they very soon enlarge. Children with enlarged tonsils, and with enlarged glands in other places, somewhat dwarfish intellectually, slow to learn—Baryta carb. will cure the enlarged tonsils.

But these, you see, are constitutional symptoms. But it is a very sore throat, has come on slowly after many days of exposure and there is gradual growth and gradual development. That is the character of the Baryta carb.


One who is a constitutional Lachesis patient will find himself suffering from an aggravation of his symptoms in the SPRING; when he goes out from the cold weather into the milder weather, and especially is that so if it is mild and rainy, or cloudy weather. Or if he goes from a cold into a warmer climate the symptoms of Lachesis will come out. The warm south winds excite the Lachesis symptoms.
Lachesis patient, and when awakening from sleep he looks back on that sleep with sorrow. The sleep has been disturbed by attacks of suffocation and by awful dreams. Worse after sleep. Cold extremities.

SMALL WOUNDS BLEED MUCH like PHOSPHORUS and KREOSOTE. A prick of a pin will ooze great drops of blood. Enlargement of the veins is a prominent condition of Lachesis. 
The next most important thing to be studied is the MENTAL STATE. Nothing stands out more boldly than the self-consciousness, the self-conceit, the envy, the hatred, the revenge and the cruelty of the man. These things, of course, are matters of self-consciousness, an improper love of self. she thinks it. She thinks she is dead, or dreams that she is dead, and in the dream preparations are being made to lay her out, or that she is about to die.

Watery discharge from the nose. Always taking cold in the nose. Stuffing up of the nose, Oversensitiveness to smell, and oversensitiveness to odors, finally loss of smell. Lachesis has inflammatory conditions, very chronic in character, with crusty formations in the nose, sneezing, watery discharges from the nose and catarrhal headaches. Sometimes the headache goes off when the catarrhal discharge comes; and when the catarrhal discharge stops the headache comes on. with discharge, with sneezing and coryza.


Pains and suffering come on suddenly and with great violence, and subside suddenly. Colds ultimate rapidly, run a sharp course, a course of great violence, and subside suddenly.

Among the earliest conditions to examine is the heat. When you put your hand upon a Belladonna subject you will suddenly withdraw it, the heat is so intense.

The inflamed parts swell rapidly; are extremely sensitive to touch; are very painful, with the sensation as if they would burst, with pressive pains, stinging and burning.
Now we come to the mucous membranes, the nose, mouth, throat, larynx, chest, the mucous membrane extending into the ear through the Eustachian tube, and we have another strong feature of Bell. which characterizes most of its conditions. GREAT DRYNESS; a sensation of dryness. Dryness in the nose; mouth; of the tongue; in the throat; in the chest, and such evidences as dry cough and spasmodic conditions. These are so general that with the nose symptoms, the coryza, the throat symptoms, the cough, this is intensified; dryness of mucous membranes will generally be found. Suppressed catarrh.

No remedy has a greater irritation in the bladder and along the urinary tract than Bell. The urging to urinate is constant. The urine dribbles, and it burns intensely along the whole length of the urethra. The whole urinary tract is in a state of irritation. Bell. has cured inflammation of the bladder.

Belladonna is well suited to pregnant women who are extremely sensitive, who are plethoric, who have congestion from taking cold, who have soreness, where there is threatened abortion, or during or after abortion when there are haemorrhages.


Everywhere in this remedy we observe the striking over-sensitiveness of the patient; it is brought out in all the symptoms. Irritable; oversensitive to noise, to light, to the least current of air, to his surroundings; extremely touchy in regard to his food; many kinds of food disturb, strong foods disturb; he is aggravated by meat; craves stimulants, pungent, bitter, succulent things, something to brace him up.

It is useful in those overdrugged by tea, coffee, wine. Old coffee drinkers become sensitive, oversensitive to noise, their symptoms are flitting; they do not give their symptoms well.
Actions are turned in opposite directions. When the stomach is sick, it will empty its contents with no great effort ordinarily, but in Nux there is retching and straining as if the action were going the wrong way, as if it would force the abdomen open; a reversed action; retches, gags, and strains and after a prolonged effort he finally empties the stomach. The same condition is found in the bladder. He must strain to urinate. There is tenesmus, urging.

Tendency to take cold; gets coryza. Colds settle in the nose, throat, chest and ears. Takes cold from the least provocation; perspires easily and the least current of air causes headache with coryza. If he is in a heated room and is disturbed in his equlibrium he gets a coryza.  Much stuffing up of the nose in the house at night; nose feels completely filled up, particularly outdoors, but fluent in doors; thin, watery discharge during the day. Sensitive to the least draft; sneezing caused by itching in the nose.

Has troublesome asthma. Useful in. persons who say they have asthma from every disordered stomach. They may go free for a year after Nux is given, and then they eat something that disagrees, and they sit up all night with asthma. They need Nux. Asthma associated with cough; rattling in the chest; chest fills up with mucus; cough with gagging, retching; appears as if he had taken a fresh cold.

Coryza every time he disorders his stomach.


There is a predominance of symptoms on the RIGHT SIDE of the body. Externally there is SENSITIVENESS TO A WARM ATMOSPHERE,

The Lycopodium patient is FLATULENT, distended like a drum, so that he can hardly breathe.
He is tired. He has a tired state of the mind, a chronic fatigue, forgetfulness, aversion to undertaking anything new, aversion to appearing in any new role, aversion to his own work. Dreads lest something will happen, lest he will forget something.

The stomach is worse BY COLD DRINKSAND OFTEN relieved by warm drinks. In the stomach and intestines there is a great commotion, noisy rumbling, rolling of flatus as though fermentation were going on.

MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. One of the most prominent remedies in impotency. Persons of feeble vitality, overwrought persons, overtired persons, with feeble genital organs, seldom need PHOSPHORUS, but Lycopod. is a typical remedy where the young man has abused himself by secret vices and has become tired out in his spine, brain and genital organs. If this patient makes up his mind that he will live a somewhat decent life and marries, he finds that he is impotent sexually, that he is not able to obtain erections, or that the erections are too feeble, or too short, and that he is not a man.
The NOSE symptoms, The trouble often begins in infancy. The little infant will lie at first with a peculiar rattling breathing through the nose, and finally it will breathe only through the mouth, as the nose is obstructed. This goes on for days and months. Much stuffing up of the nose is a chronic state of Lyc. The Lycopodium subject often suffers from thick, yellow discharge from the nose. The nose is filled with yellow, green crusts, blown out of the nose in the morning and hawked out of the throat. Now, when the patient takes cold the thick discharge to a great extent ceases, and he commences to sneeze and has a watery discharge. Then comes on a Lyc. headache, with great suffering, with pressing pains, with hunger, and finally the coryza passes away, and the thick yellow discharge returns and the headache subsides.


Subject to violent pulsations, complaints from electric changes in the atmosphere; violent palpitations and orgasms. Fungous growths. Phosphorus complaints are worse in cold weather.

The headaches of Phosphorus are congestive and throbbing. The headaches are ameliorated from cold and worse from heat, worse from motion, and better from rest, worse lying down. The patient is often compelled to sit upright, with great pressure upon the head and cold applications. The warm room, warm surroundings, warm food, putting the hands into warm water will increase the headache. The complaints of the head like the complaints of the stomach are worse from heat, warm applications and from warm food, and better from cold things; while the complaints of the body are better from warmth and worse from cold.

The nose symptoms are also very numerous; inveterate nasal catarrh. He takes cold in the nose, but the most common seat of the Phosphorus cold is in the chest, and most of his difficulties begin in" the chest, but Phosphorus cures nasal catarrh and coryza. There is painful dryness in the nose; constant sneezing and running from the nose of bloody water. Frequent alternations of fluent and stopped-up conditions of the nose; coryza with sore throat; stoppage of the nostrils; much sneezing and stopping of the nose alternating with dryness of the nose in scarlet fever; nostrils filled with green mucus; a copious nasal discharge of greenish-yellow,
Inflammation of the larynx with hoarseness in the morning; husky voice; great sensitiveness of the larynx to touch and cold air; pain and burning in the larynx on talking; weakness in the vocal cords; violent tickling of the larynx while talking; constriction and spasms of the larynx; constant irritation to cough in the larynx; tuberculous condition of the larynx; bleeding; loss of voice; cannot speak a word on account of pain in the larynx; sensation of velvet in the larynx; rawness and smarting in the larynx. Phosphorus has cured many cases of croup, membranous croup, when all the symptoms were present.


It is said to be a very good medicine 
FOR WOMEN, for blondes, especially for TEARFUL BLONDES.

With such a mental state THE general state of the body is WORSE IN  A  WARM  ROOM and RELIEVED BY MOTION. Tearful, sad and despondent, ameliorated walking in the open air, especially when it is crisp, cool, fresh and bright. Suffocation and an increase of the pains, and even chilliness in a warm room; a nervous chilliness when the patient perspires from the heat of a room. The inflammatory symptoms, neuralgias and rheumatisms are relieved by a cold, by eating and drinking cold things, by cold applications, or cold hands. Cold drinks relieve, even though the patient is NOT THIRSTY. Cold foods are digested while hot foods make the body warm from which symptoms are worse.

Many symptoms worse after eating. It is often only a lump in the stomach, Complaints brought on by eating fat, pork, greasy things, cakes, pastries and rich things. The Pulsatilla stomach is slow to digest.

Does not need to dress warmly. Much clothing and covering aggravate. Often he cannot wear flannels or woolen clothing because they irritate the skin, causing itching and eruptions.

The patient is subject to repeated attacks of coryza, with sneezing and stuffing up of the nose; In the evening considerable watery discharge with sneezing; in the morning stuffing up of the nose with thick yellow-green discharge. patient has a bad smell in the nose; smells various offensive things, Hawks up thick yellow mucus in masses, with crusts in the morning, very often offensive to others. Many Pulsatilla patients in this catarrhal state get relief from this horrible stench by blowing out great crusts. Thick clinkers of dried-up pus or dried mucus and pus accumulate for several days and this terrible catarrhal smell comes on; but as soon as he blows out these clinkers the odor goes away and he has relief until they form again in a few days. The patient HIMSELF feels better in the open air, and worse in a warm room. HE breathes better in the open air; feels stuffy in a warm room. But there are times when his NOSE stuffs up more in a warm room, where he sneezes more in a warm room.


Sepia is suited to tall, slim women such a woman is not well built as a woman. A woman who has the hips of a well-built man is not built for child bearing. Such a build is a Sepia build, very tall, slim, narrow, straight from the shoulders all the way down.

"I know I ought to love my children and my husband, I used to love them, but now I have no feeling on the subject." An absence of all joy, She is worse in company yet dreads to be alone; and when she is in company she is spiteful; she vents her spite on those she loves best. The Sepia woman permits no opposition to her opinions. The best impression of her is lost if controversy arises.
With all complaints there is constipation, Another feature present in most Sepia patients is a gnawing hunger, seldom satisfied; even though he eats plentifully he feels a gnawing, empty, hungry feeling in the stomach, 
Prolonged inveterate catarrh of the nose, thick, green, and yellow crusts are blown from the nose and sometimes are hawked from the posterior nares, thick, leathery formations. Loss of taste and smell. The smell of cooking food, meat and broth causes nausea. Catarrh of the chest with thick, tenacious, yellow expectoration, accompanied with a violent cough, retching, gagging, violent prolonged retching, vomiting; dry cough and yet there is rattling.  
In Sepia there is much offensiveness; the odor of the stool is unusual, loose stools horribly offensive, foetid; the sweat is foetid, the urine is foetid. Sepia is given in a routine way for constipation, when there are few symptoms, There is always a sense of fulness in the rectum after stool; ineffectual straining and sweating in the effort because the patient is weak and exhausted. Sepia has the ineffectual urging like NUX. She may go for days with no urging and then the effort is as if she were in labor, soreness between the buttocks. Haemorrhoids soon form,

There is much urinary trouble; I remember a pitiable case. A saleswoman was obliged to go to the closet every few minutes; a violent pain like a knife cutting came with the desire to urinate, and if the urine was not passed this pain would hold right on. She was compelled to keep her mind on the urine or she would lose it. She was tall, slim, with sallow face, distressed look, worn and tired. Sepia cured her and she was never troubled again.


In Bryonia we find it is a most persistent remedy; its complaints develop slowly,
SLOWLY FOR ACUTE CONDITIONS. Its complaints are continuous, remittent. They increase into violence, but the violence is not the first

The complaints come on AFTER TAKING  COLD, not the first few hours, as in ACONITE or BELL., but the day after an exposure he begins to feel uneasy and he sneezes and the nose discharges, there is rawness in the chest, and in a day or so he has a chill and comes down with some inflammatory trouble, pneumonia or pleurisy.
Many of the complaints of Bryonia commence in the nose; sneezing, coryza, running at the nose, red eyes, lachrymation, aching through the nose, eyes and head the first day; then the trouble goes down into the posterior nares, the throat, the larynx, with hoarseness, and then a bronchitis comes on, and if not checked it goes into pneumonia and pleurisy, so that the trouble has traveled from the beginning of the respiratory tract, the nose, to the lung tissue. This is a field for the complaints of Bryonia. All are worse from motion; all parts are subject to a good deal of burning and congestion; more or less fever, sometimes intense fever; the morning. The cough comes on with great violence, racking the whole body and increasing the headache, and with copious discharge of mucus from the respiratory tract."Frequent sneezing." "Sneezing between coughs." "Loss of smell." Bleeding from the nose in these congestions, or with coryzas. Dryness in the nose.

Coldness and heaviness of extremities.

Its complaints are more insidious and come on with a degree of slowness. A Gels. cold develops its symptoms several days after the exposure, while the ACON. cold comes on a few hours after exposure. The ACONITE child exposed during the day in dry, cold weather will have croup before midnight. But in the South diseases are very slow. Like the people themselves, their organs are very slow, and their reaction is slow. Their colds are not taken from the violent cold, but from getting overheated.

Gels. is a remedy for warm climates, while ACON. is a remedy for colder climates. Certain acute complaints in the North will be like ACONITE, while similar complaints will have symptoms in the warmer climate like Gels. The colds and fevers of the mild winters will be more likely to run to this medicine, whereas the colds and fevers of a violent winter will be more likely to run to BELL. and ACON.
Gels. has also headaches of a neuralgic character in the temples and over the eyes, with nausea and aggravation from vomiting. 
The patient in general is thirst less; that he is too weak to move, and this runs through all complaints. At times it is a remedy for coryza, with sneezing and running of water from the nose, with coldness in the extremities. The red face, the coldness and heaviness of the extremities and sore throat that has come on gradually, a little worse from day to day, until it has become a severe throat, will lead you to Gels

The nose is obstructed in the night during sleep. Motion sickness.

Deep lines of suffering characterize the Nitric acid face. Great general weakness; feeble reaction; extreme sensitivity, and nervous trembling. Patients greatly broken by long suffering, pain and sickness, physical more than mental suffering. Sensitive to cold; always chilly. Symptoms are aggravated from becoming cold, and in cold air. Always taking cold.
Stitching pains in the head. Hammering pain in the head. Heat often ameliorates the head pains and cold aggravates. Wrapping up ameliorates. Pain as if constricted by a tape. 
Deafness, ameliorated when riding in a carriage or train. Catarrh of the Eustachian tubes. Pulsating in ears. The auditory canal nearly closed. Motion sickness.
Subject to coryza every winter; no sooner does he get over one cold than he has another. The nose is obstructed in the night during sleep. Sneezing in cold air, from every draft, must keep the room very warm. Bad smells in the nose, Nosebleed mornings and nights. Nasal catarrh, acrid, watery at night, yellow, offensive, excoriating, bloody, brownish, thin
The stomach is disordered by milk. Food sours, and causes sour eructations and vomiting. Fats disagree. Nausea after eating, ameliorated by moving about or riding in a carriage. Vomiting bitter and sour, contents of stomach. Ulceration of stomach. Pain in cardiac opening of stomach on swallowing. Sticking pain in stomach. Catarrh of stomach. Weight after eating. Sensation of rawness in stomach after eating.

The cough is aggravated in winter, yet aggravated in a warm room and from becoming warm. The cough is dry, barking, aggravated during the night, aggravated lying, aggravated before midnight; comes on during sleep. Cough with hectic fever and night sweats. Hard, prolonged coughing spells with difficult expectoration. The irritation to cough is like a tickling in the larynx. The expectoration is greenish, viscid or thin, dirty, watery, bloody mucus, or dark clotted blood. Loose cough in daytime, dry at night. Rattling in daytime, but no expectoration. The sputum tastes bitter, sour or salty. It is offensive, even putrid. He is covered with sweat during efforts to expectorate.

1.    Ars
The sick state involves throat and nose, and it is sometimes difficult to separate the nose symptoms from the throat symptoms. The patient is always taking cold in the nose, always sneezing from every change in the weather. He is always chilly and suffers from drafts, and is worse in cold, damp weather; always freezing, chilled through. The cold begins in the nose and goes down into the throat, very often causing hoarseness with dry, tickling, hard, rasping cough.
2.    Kali I.
Thick, yellowish-green, copious discharge from the nose. Every change of the weather brings on catarrhal states. He is constantly taking cold, sneezing continuously. Copious, watery discharge from the nose, excoriating the passage, and causing burning in the nose. This nose is better in the open air, but all the rest of the patient is worse in the open air. Consequently, when a patient has two such conditions that operate against each other he suffers much, because he cannot find quarters for relief. "Repeated attacks of violent, acrid nose from the least cold." With the nose the frontal sinuses become involved, and there is great pain through the forehead; pain in the eyes, pains through the cheek-bones.
3.    Hep
Patient is subject to coryza. In some instances the colds settle in the nose and then there will be much discharge, with sneezing every time he goes into a cold wind. The cold winds bring on sneezing and running from the nose, first of a watery character and finally ending in a thick, yellow, offensive discharge.
4.    Merc
The NOSE  Coryza acrid, watery, with pressure through the bones of the face, worse from heat or cold, worse at night; sensitive to every draught. It has coryza with much sneezing with an opposite state, worse during the night while lying in bed, better only in the daytime while up and about. The inhalation of hot air feels good to the nose, but the heat aggravates the body. Incessant sneezing.
5.    Nit Ac
Subject to coryza every winter; no sooner does he get over one cold than he has another. The nose is stopped in the night during sleep. Sneezing in cold air, from every draft, must keep the room very warm. Bad smells in the nose, Nosebleed mornings and nights. Nasal catarrh, acrid, watery at night, yellow, offensive, excoriating, bloody, brownish, thin
6.    Gels
The patient in general is thirst less; that he is too weak to move, and this runs through all complaints. At times it is a remedy for coryza, with sneezing and running of water from the nose, with coldness in the extremities. The red face, the coldness and heaviness of the extremities and sore throat that has come on gradually, a little worse from day to day, until it has become a severe throat.
7.    Bryo
Nose; sneezing, coryza, running at the nose, red eyes, lachrymation, aching through the nose, eyes and head the first day; then the trouble goes down into the posterior nares, the throat, the larynx, with hoarseness, and then a bronchitis comes on, and if not checked it goes into pneumonia and pleurisy, so that the trouble has traveled from the beginning of the respiratory tract, the nose, to the lung tissue. The cough comes on with great violence, racking the whole body and increasing the headache, and with copious discharge of mucus from the respiratory tract."Frequent sneezing." "Sneezing between coughs." "Loss of smell." Bleeding from the nose in these congestions, or with coryzas. Dryness in the nose.
8.    Lyco
The NOSE symptoms, The trouble often begins in infancy. The little infant will lie at first with a peculiar rattling breathing through the nose, and finally it will breathe only through the mouth, as the nose is obstructed. This goes on for days and months. Much stuffing up of the nose is a chronic state of Lyc. He often suffers from thick, yellow discharge from the nose. The nose is filled with yellow, green crusts, blown out of the nose in the morning and hawked out of the throat. Now, when the patient takes cold the thick discharge to a great extent ceases, and he commences to sneezing and has a watery discharge. Then comes on a Lyc. headache, with great suffering, with pressing pains, with hunger, and finally the coryza passes away, and the thick yellow discharge returns and the headache subsides.
9.    Lach.
Watery discharge from the nose. Always taking cold in the nose. Stuffing up of the nose, Oversensitiveness to smell, and oversensitiveness to odors, finally loss of smell. Lachesis has inflammatory conditions, very chronic in character, with crusty formations in the nose, sneezing, watery discharges from the nose and catarrhal headaches. Sometimes the headache goes off when the catarrhal discharge comes; and when the catarrhal discharge stops the headache comes on. with discharge, with sneezing and coryza.
Violent cold rapidly, take a sharp course; mucous membranes, the nose, mouth, throat, larynx, chest, the mucous membrane extending into the ear through the Eustachian tube. Much sneezing. GREAT DRYNESS; a sensation of dryness. Dryness in the nose; mouth; of the tongue; in the throat; in the chest, and such evidences as dry cough and spasmodic conditions. These are so general that with the nose symptoms, the coryza, the throat symptoms, the cough, this is intensified; dryness of mucous membranes will generally be found. Suppressed catarrh.
Tendency to take cold; gets coryza. Colds settle in the nose, throat, chest and ears. Takes cold from the least provocation; perspires easily and the least current of air causes headache with coryza. If he is in a heated room and is disturbed in his equilibrium he gets a coryza.  Much stuffing up of the nose in the house at night; nose feels completely filled up, particularly outdoors, but fluent in doors; thin, watery discharge during the day. Sensitive to the least draft; sneezing caused by itching in the nose.
The nose symptoms are also very numerous; inveterate nasal catarrh. He takes cold in the nose, but the most common seat of the Phosphorus cold is in the chest, and most of his difficulties begin in" the chest, but Phosphorus cures nasal catarrh and coryza. There is painful dryness in the nose; constant sneezing and running from the nose of bloody water. Frequent alternations of fluent and stopped-up conditions of the nose; coryza with sore throat; stoppage of the nostrils; much sneezing and stopping of the nose alternating with dryness of the nose in scarlet fever; nostrils filled with green mucus; a copious nasal discharge of greenish-yellow,
The patient is subject to repeated attacks of coryza, with sneezing and stuffing up of the nose; In the evening considerable watery discharge with sneezing; in the morning stuffing up of the nose with thick yellow-green discharge. patient has a bad smell in the nose; smells various offensive things, Hawks up thick yellow mucus in masses, with crusts in the morning, very often offensive to others. The patient feels better in the open air, and worse in a warm room. HE breathes better in the open air; feels stuffy in a warm room.
14. Sepia
The patient is subject to repeated attacks of coryza, with sneezing and stuffing up of the nose; In the evening considerable watery discharge with sneezing; in the morning stuffing up of the nose with thick yellow-green discharge. patient has a bad smell in the nose; smells various offensive things, The patient HIMSELF feels better in the open air, and worse in a warm room. HE breathes better in the open air; feels stuffy in a warm room.

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